Celebrating the Women of Royalty
At Royalty Records we work with so many amazing ladies everyday, from artists, to admin we owe the success of our label to the Wonderful Women of Royalty! We want to show our love and appreciation for them by sharing their stories. Without further ado meet just a few of the WWR crew!

Kasha of The Orchard
At Royalty we work get the honour of working with loads of talent, Kasha is not an exemption. Her dedication and the pride she takes in her work make us proud to partner with her to create amazing music. When asked about her experience as a woman in the industry Kasha from The Orchard had this to say;
“I am a lover of music and people! Every aspect of my life embodies music and creating communities. From teaching piano, voice, dance fitness, and being the lead vocalist for The Orchard! It’s been over 10 years of embracing the music industry and having the opportunity to do what I’m passionate about. I’m blessed. Being a woman in this industry is such a powerful thing. To have a voice, to create, to be an example, to share experiences and connect with other strong and inspiring women. I am inspired by the women I have an opportunity to work with! Growing up one woman who inspired me and continues to inspire me most is my own mother Karen. She always supported my decisions and interests (even the crazy ones)! She encouraged me to have my own voice and live my life free from constraints. Another woman who I also currently admire for her kindness and ability to bring people together is Tenille Townes. I believe the women who live life with love and courage are ultimately creating a better world! I want to be that champion for my own two daughters and spread that same love, acceptance, and encouragement that has been shown to me!”

Bronwin Parks of Feisty Creative
We are so lucky to get to work with an abundance of creative people. Bronwin is a shining example of the artistic talent that is required for the release of singles and albums outside of the music. We asked her what it’s like for her as a female in the industry and this is what she had to say;
“While being a woman in the music industry is not always easy, it helps to surround yourself with an awesome network of other strong women. Early in my career I was very fortunate to intern and network with some of the most amazing women in the industry like Shauna DeCartier, Helen Britton, Susan DeCartier and Sandy Pandya. 16 years later, I recognize their influence was pivotal in making me the Creative Director I am today. I continue to surround myself with women who inspire me and who are not afraid to call me on my bullshit. Most recently I have had the honour of working with the incomparable Sheila Hamilton who has never hesitated to offer guidance and/or tell me the hard truths. Kathryn Hummel and the Royalty Team have been huge supporters, cheerleaders and valued collaborators. My advice to everyone is to fill your inner circle with a diverse group of people who both support you and challenge you to be your best.”
Bronwin Parks

Kathryn Hummel of Hummel Entertainment & Royalty Records
Kathryn is a prime example of an important behind the scenes lady, and she really is a jack of all trades. She not only supports the artists but the label as a whole making her a valuable part of Royalty’s team. So we had to ask her for a statement on how it’s been for her to work in the industry as a woman. This is what she said;
“I’ve been in the music industry for 15+ years now and to say it wasn’t always easy is an understatement. I’ve definitely experienced challenges along the way. But the community of amazing women I’ve met over the years and continue to surround myself with, far surpasses my negative experiences. The need to rally and support one another has never been stronger. The want for inclusivity is slowly but surely being embraced and change is happening as we speak. It’s nice to finally feel like we’re in a time that we can support one another without competition or drama. The last couple of years I’ve strived to develop stronger relationships and create safe spaces where we can freely talk about our challenges and find solutions as confidantes.
Kathryn Hummel
To all the women out there paving the way and holding out your hand to help others including myself, thank you immensely and may we all be open to learning from one another, set good examples for those coming up after us, may we celebrate kindness and may we make supporting one another a regular occurrence.”

Sandra of Blackie Jackett Jr.
Another awesome lady musician Sandra is an excellent example of a boss babe! Her talent is clear from the first time you hear her sing and her commitment to her craft is inspiring. We asked her to share her experiences as a women in the industry and this is what she said;
“I grew up a classically trained singer and was singing every chance I got! After college I was working in a pub and was singing Karaoke when I was approached by Rick and James from Finger Eleven to sing vocals on some country songs they wrote. After one night of recording, fueled by many bottles of Jack Daniels I was hooked. I loved the old country sound they created and I felt like I found a home for my voice. I think being the only female in the band has really helped me connect with my own feminine energy. It brings a great balance to the music and I feel really grateful to bring that side to the music. I feel powerful and appreciated and sometimes I can even drink the boys under the table. I think Dolly Parton is the ultimate female artist. She navigated her way through the industry, paving the way for many women to follow.”
Sandra Tipping

We also made a playlist that’s overflowing with the female talent Royalty has had the privilege to work with.