With The Help of Tim Horton Children’s Foundation, Tenille Dares To Be An Inspiration!
“Well today is the day. It is my absolute honour to present to you the #DareToBe official THCF Music Video! Watching this moves me to a place of passionate tears. I’m so grateful to share a piece of the message that the foundation gives to these incredible kids, and that these campers take home to go out into the world with. I’m glad I got to spend the full 10 day session at the Camp in Perry Sound while filming; I’m so proud of these kids and blessed to have got to know them and a bit of their stories. They truly are little heroes with huge hearts and potential. Watching them be themselves at camp, and dare to be original and remarkable, makes me believe in change for the better in a world that doesn’t always notice that.
Thank you for watching, sharing and for your download support on iTunes with Dare to be, helping to send even more kids to camp. Special thank you to Tim Hortons for paying it forward and making the vision for this song a reality. Thank you to Tracy, Dave, Magic, the THCF and THCM Staff, and the Production and Film Crew for believing in this with all your heart and working so hard to have it here today.”
Tim Horton Children’s Foundation ambassador and Canadian country music artist Tenille has released a new music video entitled Dare to Be, which is available for purchase from iTunes. All proceeds from Dare To Be will be donated to the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation to help enrich the lives of deserving children.
“I am extremely excited to launch my new music video” said Tenille, ambassador, Tim Horton Children’s Foundation. “I hope the video will inspire Canadians to recognize the value of the camp experience, the work of the Foundation and the positive impact it has had on thousands of children, which I have witnessed first-hand.” – <3 Tenille
Tim Horton Children’s Foundation ambassador and Canadian country music artist Tenille has released a new music video entitled Dare to Be, which is available for purchase from iTunes. All proceeds from Dare To Be will be donated to the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation to help enrich the lives of deserving children.
“I am extremely excited to launch my new music video” said Tenille, ambassador, Tim Horton Children’s Foundation. “I hope the video will inspire Canadians to recognize the value of the camp experience, the work of the Foundation and the positive impact it has had on thousands of children, which I have witnessed first-hand.”
Help Make a true Difference
Visit iTunes today and purchase Tenille’s hit single Dare To Be. Help the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation make a true difference in the lives of deserving children.